The Agony of Defeat by David Stevenson
Hosta Leaf by Mike Eubanks
Wall Dance by Gary Levy
Pearls by Edward Ries
Inca Man by John Schum
Horses and Men by Naima Hall
Kat Romance by Sherry Garay
Motion 9 by William Jackson
Script by Beamie Young
David Michael Kennedy by Susan Delgalvis
They Said She Had Changed by Carole Usdan
Red-Tailed Hawk 1 by Jennifer Beser
Marching Band by Fabrice Strippoli
Spirit Dance 2 by Darlene Poloniak
Bench Lake II by Craig Eilers
My Heart Won't Forget You by Robin Zygelman
What Keeps Us by Jessica Chevalier
Biden Win Called 9 by Bill Livingston
Watchful Illusion by Catherine Panebianco
Bridge by Francis Elsocht
One More Hill by James Selders
Future by Zeus Corona
Mother and Child 4 by Shirley Breuel
New Forest 8 by Peter Willemse
Traditional Pastries 10 by Casey Tan
The Palouse by Rita Pignato
Yael Plays Flamenco by Allan Goldstein
Digression 1 by Nate Johnson
Living While Dying 10 by Jeremy Mims
Sweet Sounds From Above by Lawrence Silverman
Qing Shan King Festival 9 by Kok Yew Chong
Crevice by Victoria Ruderman
Boyer YL Ranch 7 by Gerald Long
Chief Jules Strongbow-Frank Hill vs Pat Paterson by Monte Gerlach
Buttercup by Donald Bolak
Spring Is Inevitable-7 by Aleksey Ubeyvolk
The Light at the Bottom of the Stairs by Nathan Dean
Azores Art Gallery by Naima Hall
Tangerine Dystopia by Lisa Miller
Demolition and Destruction #3 by James Hunt
The Pier by Joe Hutto