She Seeks the Light by Lynne Mass
Hokey Pokey by Carolyn Edelstein
I Want to Dance With Somebody by Leanne Trivett
5th Floor UNM by Dave Sova
Disarming by Elizabeth Rudulph
Mother and Daughter Sunday in Paris by Timothy Needham
Resting Potter by Sam Robbins
Push Button by John Rodrigues
Curlew Farmhouse by Lani Doely
Sleeping Putti by Jim Lustenader
Amoeba by Gregory McIntosh
The Light Into the Dark by Luca Giuseppe Bellodi
Hoop Flyers by Barbara Maker
Cousins by James Manfredonia
Pantheropis by Ricardo Gonzalez-Rothi
A New Season by Tanya Myers
Ashokan Reservoir by Gianfranco Vidali
Missing You by Steve Johnson
Waiting to Rock (And Roll) by Allan James
Otterly Enchanted by Judy M. King
Stroller by Jim Lustenader
Rapi Nui Failed Reef by Robin Zygelman
Crashed (Inflight) by Tony Perez
Who's Who by Steve Bockstahler
Family Portrait by Steve Johnson
Formidable by Nancy Munier
Dark Gates by Elisabeth Groat
Contemplative by Dominik Schulze
Swan Hat by Jim McKinniss
Ice Storm by Gianfranco Vidali
Highline by Lilyan Aloma
Untitled 2 by Chloé Marchal
A Safeway Home by David Pantuso
Doorway to Doorway by Frank Stopa
Reflections on a Pool Tarp by Ira Dwoskin
Sweet Dreams Tico by Gerald Kovach
Walking on Water by Pamela Cain
Winter Calvary by Sandra Hosking
Window View by Curtis Fedder
Hostas by Les Allen
Sufi by Robi Chakraborty
View From the Coast Starlight #1 by Janet Milhomme
Under the Bridge 2 by Claudia Welsh
Jelly Me by David Figueroa
Tony by Dave Sova
Boy by Carly Bach
Mail Pouch Barn by Sharlene Holliday
The Last Tram by Verislav Stanchev
Pitted by John Diephouse
Venetian Blinds Pierce the Darkness by Richard Batch