Dreamland Place by Bob Newman
Cars 10 by Silvestre Machado
Untitled #10 by Peter Madero III
Cool Steel 3 by Allan R. Lamb
String Theory by Charles H. Carver
Quite Quiet Morning by Igor Danilov
Pier and Ice by Gautam Jaggi
I Cut My Own Hair by Liza Hennessey Botkin
Tv by Eric Dillenberger
The Pendulum by Curtis Salonick
Night Walk 4 by Sei Yeon Lee
Gear Detail by RW Hawkins
Fins by Errick L. Cameron
The Americans-Revisited #11 by John Conn
Walking Dream (10) by HeyRyung Kim
Sign Art by Kathy Conway
Napoleon's Window by Robert Hewgley
Wish You Are Here by Thomas Phoon
Sunglasses by Yurik Nestoly
Uptown Cafe by Paul G. Morozoff
Western Landscape #6 by Paul Elliott
Untitled 8 by Anne De Geer
The Time Thread 1 by Massimiliano Camellini
Flowers and Folding Chair by Alan Wood
Logs and Cabin by William V. DePaulo
Dying to Eat by Paula Shur
Fan and Broken Panes - Abandoned Factory by Peter-Andrew Gravina
Boundaries #1. Sherbrook by Carl Hurens
On High by David S. Bailey
Good Fences by Tanya Russell
Boat on the Lake by Shener Hathaway
Winter Prairie 3 by Michael Elkan
The Crucifixion by Jameson West
Untitled 9 by Milan Bobysud
Guard Dog by Nathan Caplan
Lines 09 by Shifra Levyathan
The Way of Escape by Guy Gagnon
Silo City #10 by Sam Ward
Big Wheel in the Tulieres by Len Blau
Christine Le Duc by Sven Martson
Jerry's Studebaker by Eric D. Howard
Brass Monument by Jack McMaster
Cemetery by Lee Patterson
Untitled 7 by Raymond Torres
Fuel the Valley by Jon Glaser
Log Cabin by Neil Wells
Palouse 12 by Steven Greenbaum
First Class Ride by Willow Brown
Bridgeworker by William Bullard