Lunchtime With Jonathan Seaqull by Richard Barden
Cerrillos Storm by Medina Isbell
Hey by David Ruderman
Into the Light by Marlene Weinstein
Colfax by Michael Elenko
Porchside 3 by John Kenneth Jacquemain
Sandy Footprints by Richard Barden
Radial Shine by Monica Brewer
Shadowmirror by Vincent Lee Smith
Out of Place by Lauren Howes
Untitled 3 by Jana Hunterova
Three Tulips by Katya Evdokimova
Game Master by Sarah Murphy
Kinship by Wendy Verity
Untitled 5 by Amado Magtoto
The Hilton by Andy Sanchez Alcaraz
Mowing by Tina Bockstahler
Soul of a Cat by Candace Kubinec
Untitled by Nicole Picard
Beached by David Ruderman
Solitary Oak by David DeNagel
Willow and Cher by Robert Dann
Little Boy in Chapon by Hartmut Lenz
Mannequin by Barbara Ford Doyle
Train Station by Atsumi Yamamoto
Stairway to Heaven by Jay Mistry
The Rockies in June #2 by Carter Daniels
Pier by Andy Weekes
7. Parthenon Head by James Cassidy
Outlaws and Ladies.... March 2020 by Cary Jones
Bus Stop by János Szita
Lunch by David Pellegrini
Untitled by Lorne Wolk
Palm Frond-1 by Jay Bergman
Pause by Javier Maldonado Munchmeyer
Sunset 1 by Andrew Tershakovec
Abstract 2 by David Croll
Stairway by Larry Chan
Treasure by Ferdinand Ocasio Tomlin
Meeting Myself by Janis Tratnik
Eric With a C by Leonie Moreland
Infinity by Kathy Kasunich
Rails to the Water Herrsching Ammersee by Michael Nguyen
Summer Rain by Wendy Verity
Tibetan Manuscripts by Rick Kattelmann
Hosta by Susan Bein
Bob's by Lillian Elaine Wilson
The Driver by Arnold Clayton Henderson
Zion 2 by Michael Cinque
Fine Art Smartphone (3) by Michele Farinelli