Flags by Bob Bader
Lost and Found by Sorin Costache
Finding Balance Within Unity by Ellen G. Ingram
Let's Get Serious by Laurits Haaning
Safety Shower by Harry O'Connor
Storm Debris Doll by Mitford A. Fontaine
Iron Beast by Shinya Ichikawa
What Happens to Dolls in Greenwich Village by Bruce B. Barshop
Windmill and Corral by Misha Gregory Macaw
Sitting in a Corner by Bob Newman
Terrace 1 by Edwin Close
Temple Grounds by Jim Kelly
Life's Better by Bruce B. Barshop
Chapel by Guy White
Like an Oil Rich Library by Maris Martinson
Pueblo Ladder by Gordon Middleton
Vigil Lights by Gary Wagner
Curtains by Jeffrey Glasser
Agrigento 2 by Ronaldo Pichardo
Reflections by Kathy Conway
Abandoned IV by David Quinn
G - Eternity by Robert Preston
Agony by Curtis Choonshick Choe
Homage to Hippies by Gerald W. Shonkwiler
AntiFascist by Bruce B. Barshop
Casa De Arte by Ernesto Beall
1955 Porsche Spyder by Matt Kesselhaut
Desert Shores by Dennis R. Ford
Impounded Auto by Roger Lieberman
The Door by Adam Laws
Napoleon's Window by Robert Hewgley
Old Truck by Lloyd Scott Clements
Working Parts by Kenneth Evans
Police Story by Ronaldo Pichardo
Hidden Light by Mark Seawell
Home by Bruce Blum
Arte Deglialtri St 33 by Massimo Pedriali
Down the Tracks by Cody Reynolds
Knapkins and Salt by Marj Green
House by Nathan Caplan
Casa Dei Gatti by Chrystal Lea Nause
Fence Guards Nothing in Southampton by Howard Pohl
Ship Rope by Carl Bowden
Quite Calm by Ronaldo Pichardo
Belmont Old Truck and Wheels by Bob Neiman
Winged Statue and Painted Ceiling by Misha Gregory Macaw
Storm Over Point Vincente by Jon Yungkans
Cleat and Rope by Jeffrey Glasser
Abandoned by Ray Kingsbury
Locomotive by James Chapman