Tallis by Bruce Barshop
Glass Pavilion No. 2 by Ellen Ingram
Pawtucket by Daniel Delaney
Heat Wave by Wayne Palmer
Bye-Bye by Denise Dethlefsen
Bus Stop by Kevin Kinner
Village Croatia by William Lemke
Main Street by Michael Stoklos
A Moment to Remember by Stanley Olí Olívera
Nothing Else Matters by Sorin Costache
Williamsburn Bridge Descent by Matthew Mu
Back Street by Ellen Ingram
Boy by Brittain McJunkin
Urban Skyline by Kevin Kinner
Woman With Cane by Tom Sandler
Chosen by Martin Drapkin
Best in Show by Carl Young
Alone in a Crowd by Kevin Kinner
Bicycle by Yoshio Oda
Radio City by Robert Ellis
Woman Lying on Cot in Street With Man Behind Her by Jack Feder
Two Friends Reflecting by David Cohen
Times Square by Robert Ellis
Hill to Hill Bridge by Brian Hager
Be Alive With Woman in Window by Jack Feder
Witnessing a Police Action by John Petro
At the Car Show by Greg Finnegan
Long-Time Sweethearts by Martin Drapkin
Another Paris Night Scene by Rick Menapace
Back Bay by Brittain McJunkin
Fish Market by Jacque Rupp
Multi-Tasking by Bruce Barshop
Espresso by Meg Faehi
View From the Flats by Susan Delgalvis
The Arcade #2 by Susan Delgalvis
Faces of Pandemic by Robert Levine
Phone Check by Bruce Barshop
Transportation by Susan Delgalvis
Fascination Parlor by Susan Delgalvis
Bike and Pigeons by Gary Matson
Threes by Roger Raepple
Chinatown by Robert Ellis
Pandemic Canyon by Robert Levine
Guardian by Neil Koenig
Hidden Treasures by Ellen Ingram
Deep in Thought by Robin Zygelman
Social Hour by Gregory Scholes
Princesses by Bruce Barshop
In the Shadow of Wall Street by Samuel Vovsi