01 Layered #1 by Jurgen Dopatka
The Afghan Series 8 by David Pantuso
From the Bark of a Single Tree 5 by Carl Rubino
Untitled 12 by Miroslav Vrzala
Leaf Mosaic by Barry Guthertz
Ice Pattern #4 by Ann L. Krumrein
Horns Galore by Les Morgan
Whisp by Aaron Henry
Exodus II by Steve Zmak
Guggenheim New York by Gwen Solomon
Velvet Dunes by Steve Chinn
Texture and Line by Mary Butler
Stonework 5 by Roy Money
Adoro by Karl Leck
Lost in the Water 3 by James Hunt
Cracks by Bruce Wehman
Untitled 4 by Anne De Geer
John Grade Installation by John Lewis
Sandscape #7 by Barbara Ford Doyle
Sagrada Familia Ceiling by Gerald W. Shonkwiler
Fleeting Beauty by James M. Megas
Water Series #3 by Larry  Gregory
Winding by Egon Hoefinger
Paint Mix # 1 by Jerry Kay
Walkway by Paris Carter
Untitled 7 by Ron Plumhoff
Shadow Glass #3 by Michael Frey
Salmon Street Fountain Detail 1 by Jason Lucey