Blacksmith Artisan by Bill Livingston
Boy in Balloon Ball by Igor Smirnow
The Taxidermist by Bill Voight
Untitled by Mary Woodman
Untitled 1 by Zivile Sidaraite
Reflecting by Bruce J. Nichols
The Cowboy of Cleveland Ave by Mitford A. Fontaine
Family Ties by Chris Swanson
Himba Man 3 by Susan Braunhut and Dennis Miller
Untitled 8 by Lars Hyttinen
Old Women by Wayne D. Buhr
Color Moment by Lu Zhang
Child Refugee Camp by Evan McBride
Nieve by Roberta Lynn Ledbetter
Hide and Seek by Larry Chan
Market by Dolores Smart
Vanity by David Lykes Keenan
If Only I Could Be on TV by Carole Usdan
Man Behind the Choir - St. Bart's Church by Dale Kirk
Girl and Her Violin by Anya Sergeev
Jim at Nine Mile by Stephanie Lehr
Contemplation by Francine Filsinger
Portrait 1 by Hyun Woong Kim
Portrait 3 by Hyun Woong Kim
Rider by Insoo Bay
Look in Glass by Bruce J. Nichols
Devout Worship by Robert Davis
Himba Woman by Susan Braunhut and Dennis Miller
Intense by Wayne D. Buhr
Me and My Best Friend by Herminio Albert
Engine Repair by Stephen K. Hall
Young Buddhist Priests by Gordon Chait
Watchman by Chris Swanson
Mother and Child 10 by Jay Seldin
Forbidden City by William Bullard
Old Man and the Sea by Pak Han
Ribbons by Rachael Flett
Horsey Icecream by Patricia Ramaer
Wondering by Herminio Albert
Yeah by Lu Zhang
Rockstar Dream by Francine Filsinger
Window View by Ray Kingsbury
Waiting by Kevin Godfrey
Axis 15 by David Curtis King
Self Portrait by Devon Chambers
Art Critics by Francine Filsinger
At First Glance by Bill Voight
Ludek Bogner by Lorne Wolk
Contrasts by J. Michael Gannon
Bodega Man by Jon Yungkans