Behind the Drums by Sheila Bodine
Jose en Caballo, Santa Fe NM, 2019 by Glenn Rudd
Biblical Orator at Hyde Park Speaker's Corner by Roger Gaess
Marginalized by David Cohen
Horse Fly by David Cohen
Frosty Dimension by Jerry H. Gerling
Pray Tell by Gary Levy
Recyclers Buried in Paperwork by Gary Levy
Hideout Ranch 1 by Bob Neiman
Hideout Ranch 2 by Bob Neiman
Hideout Ranch Nina 1 by Bob Neiman
Hideout Ranch Nina 2 by Bob Neiman
2 Men Wrapping by Mitchell Nelles
Crabs in Aquarium by Mitchell Nelles
Accepting Bondage by Monika Chabicovsky
Solitude by Monika Chabicovsky
A Hard Place to Sleep by Leslie Landerkin
Audrey by Debbie Rubin
Wrong Turn by Debbie Rubin
Rookie by Debbie Rubin
The Wheel of Fortune by Debbie Rubin
Mermaid Parade by Gary Matson
They Might Be Giants by Chuck LaChance
Watching the Solar Eclipse by James Coughlan
Spanish Unrest by Jan Daub
The Front-Runner by Eduardo Fujii
Journey's End by Hal Kahn
Mid-Air Collision by Larry Petterborg
History's Song by Angela Previte
Baby Needs a New Pair of Shoes by Barbara Maker Anthone