Rabbit by Joe Washington
Ruffed Lemur by Ardian Gill
Hindsight by Stan Singer
Pelican by Michael Tonkovic
Windmill #2 by Dean Smith
Aikane Pinto by Mary Goodrich
A Sick Horse by Vladimir Kabelik
Turtle Lake by Michel Emile Hilaire
4-Hummingbird by Dan Richard Barber
Concerned by Steven Greenbaum
Gull in Flight #2 by Erik Nash
Flypaper by Jerry Ranch
Cat in the Sun by Geoffrey Ward
Nourishing Her Foal by Marshall Gould
Just One More Piece of Bread by Trygve Kroepelien
Leapin' Lizards! by Bernard Werner
Great Horned Owl by Craig T. Patterson
6-Hummingbird by Dan Richard Barber
Ape Descending a Staircase by Sanford Davis
Brightness in Darkness by Jerry Whitty
Untitled 3 by William Acosta
A Mother's Watchful Eye by Marshall Gould
Untitled 10 by William Acosta
Pterodactyl by Patrick Binns
Imagine by Jerry Whitty
Fish by Jerry Whitty
Waiting by Ross Deverson
Patiently Waiting by Alan Wood
Mother's Instincts by David Martin
White Spotted Jelly Fish by Arthur J. Ammann
Samburu Elephant by Kirsten Whatley
On Guard by Marilyn Verducci
Driving Miss Daisy by Elizabeth Wilward
Zebra by Joe Sack
Out for a Stroll by Bernard Werner
Lion by Scott Hoyle
Crow in Flight by Justin Ciccarello
Tic Tac by Lars Runar
Rhino Unawake by Kenneth Osborne
Untitled 2 by Per Erik Langaanes
Untitled 4 by William Acosta
Jasper by Beamie Young
Ghosts of the Sahara by Patrick Binns
Sisters by Joe Sack
3-Hummingbird by Dan Richard Barber
Pensive Lion by Ardian Gill
Urban River Dance by David Guidas
Jack Napping by Dennis Fritsche
Morning Treat by Alan Wood
Grethes Bilde by Grethe Ostervold