Lee Grossman


Witness by Lee Grossman
Waiting for a Donor by Lee Grossman
Taking the Sun by Lee Grossman
My Feet in Our Room by Lee Grossman
Jones and O'Farrell by Lee Grossman
Old Face by Lee Grossman
Covenant by Lee Grossman
Apparatus #23 by Lee Grossman
Parade #3 by Lee Grossman
3 Images by Lee Grossman
The City and the Campus by Lee Grossman
Harbor Problem by Lee Grossman
Giant Dipper #2 by Lee Grossman
School Outing by Lee Grossman
Apparatus #27 by Lee Grossman
Woman and Pug on Threshhold by Lee Grossman
Laundromat #1 by Lee Grossman
Apparatus #26 by Lee Grossman
Unconsoled by Lee Grossman
Man Scaring Pigeons by Lee Grossman
Flatware and Glasses by Lee Grossman
Mountain View Cemetery #3 by Lee Grossman
Window #2 by Lee Grossman