Real2-1 by Rene Roalf
Fender by Ray Germann
Festival Nocturne by Jim Nickelson
Bridge & Mountains by Wayne Norton
One Candlelight by Manuel O. Hernandez
Bleacher Creatures by Joanne Scherf
Britannia #1 by Royden F. Heays
One by Benny Asrul
Al Empezar by Rebecca Lyn Saffran
Butterfly 1 by Larry Hurlbut
From the Old Pantry by Manuel O. Hernandez
53 Bel Air by Alan Kornfeld
Vw by Mary Woodman
Chesterfield Lovers 2 by Paul Crampton
Barbed Wire by Richard Allen Ashmore
I've Got an Idea by John Bayler
The Badger by Gregory D. Seman
Samovar by Marj Green
Wood Spider by Jeff Unger
Cosmo by Nicole Picard
Opposite Attraction by Chuck Kimmerle
Procession by Jim and Anne Mitchell
Shape & Light by Jose Jorge G. Brito
Desk and Graffiti by Marj Green
Port Bolivar Community Cemetery by Richard Allen Ashmore
Forgotten Suits by Chuck Kimmerle
Rearview by Patricia Sweeney
Left Behind by Elaine Jones Heron
Country Tableware by Bob Johnson
Why Are You Here by John Bayler