Light & Wires by Patricia Patterson
Concrete Piles & Mountain by Wayne Norton
Wash and Rinse by Dennis Fritsche
Calnic Castle's Window by Gabriel Stanciu
No Time to Lose by Josefina Rodriguez Marxuach
Bicycles by Janeen Macrino
Statue by Jeff Unger
Delta Museum by John F. Doyle
Shirt on Fence by Tony French
Traffic Lines by Sam Anvari
Missing Person by Jeff Unger
Signs of Silence by Sergey Chistyakov
Night Flying by Tom Green
Long Winter 1 by Stone Peng
Evening Bench by Ray Tatyrek
St. Roch by Liza Golter
Boat on the Rhine by Darryl Godfrey
Vintage by Shelley Stockton-Wynn
Shed by Paul Dorahy
Machine Detail by Ari Plosker
Old Ford by Elaine Jones Heron
Midnight II by Shelley Stockton-Wynn
A Glance by Josefina Rodriguez Marxuach
Untitled 4 by Andre Roman Medina
Majestic Theater by Bob Johnson
Bus Stop by Jeff Unger
Flatware and Glasses by Lee Grossman
The End 2 by Nenad Saljic
Composition by Dennis Hodges
The Dream by Diane Silverman